Friday, January 31, 2020

An update, and a challenge

So, I have a little back story to update you on...

It was quite a shock, and I will confess I was in a fair amount of denial...  The timeline was as follows:

-moved South 7/20/2019
-had a what I now know to be a severe seizure masquerading as a stroke while out for run on 7/27
-I had enough presence of mind to sit down on the ground and call out to a guy backing his truck in I was having a stroke 
-EMTs were there in under three minutes and transported me to the hospital which I spent 3 days and posted an amazing turn around and was released with no restriction 
-I went to work on my first day - 7/31
-Despite being told I was to follow up with a Cardiologist and a Neurologist, my Neurologist had to return to Thailand to take care of final matters regarding the death of his father 
-10/2I received my follow up appointment and realized something may be off, MRI scheduled and completed 
- 10/23 my PCP, Neurologist and others were looking for me... And terrifyingly I had started to deteriorate and had seizures...
-10/25 I went in and learned what they feared; referred to surgeon 11/14 with surgery scheduled for first thing 11/22
- I had only a 20% chance of survival
-I spent 4 days in ICU then was directly transferred to Rehab where I spent 8 days-graduated 2 days early ...  My tumor turned out to be malignant 
-My board has been most unsupportive and despite my return to work after they flatly denied my request for accommodation.  

I was terminated on this week and all I was told that the Board has lost confidence in me and I was perp-walked out by one my former staff and Uber’d home, and now my attorney and I have entered into negotiations re: paying what is clearly in my employment contract... There is likely a gag order/non 
disclosure agreement...

So now I get to once again decide what I want to be when I grow up, but I want to complete my Certified Fundraising Certified Exam that I have neglected to study for, I now have nothing standing the of regaining my health unobstructed by an employment situation that turned to be untenable.

And my Hoarding mother?  She tried to be supportive, before her basic narcissism kicked in and resumed in talking about herself... I reminded yesterday evening that although I was deemed terminally ill, I did not have an expiration date I planned to fight like hell and live powerfully.

The question is what I am going learn from this, rather than a pity party and questioning why...